Alice Bolognese 5^D
One of my favorite movies of all times is the historical drama called Land of mine.
It takes place in 1945 after Denmark was liberated from German occupation, and all German soldiers in the country became war prisoners. Many of them were sent to work on the coast, where Germans had previously buried thousands of mines in the sand.
The movie focuses on a group of young German soldiers who defuse mines on the west coast of Denmark under the command of a Danish sergeant called Rasmussen. The whole plot revolves around this group of young boys who are no more than teenagers: they have seen the horrors of the war and still have to fight in order to survive once the war is over.
Based on a true story, the movie is intense and shows perfectly how many young lives were thrown away during those violent years.
I loved this movie because it provides a painful but truthful insight into the story of thousands of German boys that history books never mention. I cried more times than I’d like to admit during this movie, which only shows further how much I was emotionally involved.
Land of mine, with its amazing plot and intriguing characters, shows perfectly how cruel humanity can be. At the same time, however, it gives us hope for a better future.